When creating financial projections, consider the following elements:
Economic indicators
Strategic goals
Expected shifts in pricing, cost, and expenditure rates
Consumer behavior and potential moves by rivals
Capital needed to fulfill strategic goals
In the process of projecting revenue, take into account these factors:
The rate of market expansion
The feasibility of raising our prices
The anticipated trajectory of our market share—will it rise or fall, and for what reasons?
The products likely to experience a sales downturn as a result of their life cycle stages or the launch of rival products
The introduction of new offerings by both our enterprise and our competitors
The overarching economic premises underlying the strategy
When projecting costs and expenses, reflect on the following aspects:
The impact on major expenses like key materials, labor, and other costs including payroll
The prevailing inflation rate
The additional staffing needed to implement the plan
The potential for operational efficiencies and cost-saving measures
Consider these points while projecting assets and investments:
Whether an expansion in capacity is necessary to meet the targeted sales figures
The anticipated amount of receivables and inventory needed
When estimating the cost of capital and financing, consider:
Any intended alterations to the proportion of debt and equity in the company’s capital structure
The necessity for extra funding to carry out the strategic plan
The evolving risk profile of the business—whether it’s becoming riskier or more secure
The expected trends in interest rates throughout the duration of the plan
